While we wait for scientists to come up with a miracle pill, we can take matters into our own hands with easy steps to ensure that life in old age isn’t also the end of living well. 0
Newly published research finds that the flashing lights on police cruisers and ambulances can cause “digital epileptic seizures” in image-based automated driving systems, potentially risking wrecks. 0
From politicians to VC firms, everyone is falling out of love with the massive, money-oriented, global technology titans. In their place, we have the chance to build something open and trustworthy. 0
Martha Wells created one of the most iconic characters in 21st-century science fiction: Murderbot, reluctant savior of humanity. Then she faced an existential threat of her own. 0
In 2025, extreme weather will drive more people from their homes. Governments have no plan. Where will they be welcome? 0
Parent power alone won’t ensure the next generation’s safety—politicians and tech firms must take steps, too. 0
The term “reducing emissions” has outlived its usefulness, a crutch to soften the blow that’s being exploited by greenwashers. Now it’s time to get real. 0
The genome-editing technology can be supercharged by artificial intelligence—and the results are already being felt. 0
Engagement and profits on social platforms are built on fomenting dissatisfaction and disinformation—but there’s a better alternative. 0
A growing movement to allow access to algorithmic workings won’t stop the ubiquitous spread of artificial intelligence, but it could restore public confidence in it. 0